7 online marketing tips you should implement today
Web branding requires an ever-changing array of tactics, especially if your organization targets a particular niche audience. Try some of these on for size.

A new year is upon us, and new online marketing opportunities are coming with it.
Follow these seven tips to stay up to speed in 2014:
1. Market smarter, not harder.
There are tons of ways to market your business online, but just because you could do them all doesn’t mean you should. Be smart; frequent the same online venues that your target market does.
If you sell golf tours to people age 55 and up, Tumblr and Instagram are not where you should be. LinkedIn would be more likely to be a good use of your time and online marketing dollars. Visit Quantcast.com to find out the user base demographics for popular social networks.
2. Set a social media advertising budget.
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