7 reasons why @charliesheen is #winning on Twitter
What a warlock can teach you about building a following.
Ragan Communications was thirsty for tiger blood.
With more than 3 million people following Charlie Sheen, we wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
A majority of his tweets were nonsensical, irrelevant and filled with words that aren’t suitable for our Ragan.com readers. But we couldn’t help but think that if you’re looking to spice up your tweets, there’s a lot a PR pro can learn from a man who once said, “You can’t process me with a normal brain.”
Charlie, we couldn’t agree more.
1. Thank your followers
Everybody likes to be thanked, especially if it comes from a warlock.
In all sincerity…Thank you Twitter community for the warm reception & the followers that helped get me to 1M in 24 hours!!! #teamsheen
Or take a look at how he personally thanked one of his followers. Is your organization doing anything like this?
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