7 ways to help your creativity soar
Change your venue, change your pulse rate, change your method, change your ‘hat.’ Stagnation kills innovation.

When writers tell me they don’t have enough creativity to produce effective press releases or interesting stories for employee publications, I urge them to remember their childhoods.
Did they have imaginary friends? Could they make a face on their sandwiches with two olives and a curl of red pepper? Did they believe in the Tooth Fairy?
We are all born creative. Some of us just lose it faster than others.
Here are seven tips to rediscover the creative core hiding inside of you:
1. Don’t sit at your desk. I don’t understand why we think writing is limited to sitting at a keyboard. This is no way to create; sitting is toxic to creative thought. Think away from your desk. Go for a walk. Go for a run. Go to a coffee shop. Go do something. Get moving. Now!
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