9 old words and phrases we should use more often
Zounds! Ye olde vocabulary would be simply groovy if you found a swell way to work these into a conversation—mayhap while you’re mulling your cat-skinning options, for the love of Pete.
The other day my friend Amber referred to her kids as “the bee’s knees” on Facebook, which I saw just as I was trying to figure out what to write about for my next post.
It got me thinking about antiquated phrases we no longer use. Obviously, if someone is the bee’s knees, they might also be the cat’s pajamas. Using some of these “dead” words and phrases might serve to make our language and conversations more colorful and interesting.
Yeah, I have no idea what that means either.
Anyway, here is my list of nine words and phrases (in no particular order) that we ought to start using more. You know, because they’re from the “good ol’ days”” when men were men, and all kids seemed to be born in a barn.
1. Zounds!
Not to be confused with the similar, “Zoinks” of Scooby Doo fame, Zounds is one of those words you use when something startles and surprises you, but usually in a good way. So next time someone surprises or astounds you with that supercool YouTube video of kittens doing crazy and amazing things, you can respond with, “Zounds!” “Gadzooks!” also works in a pinch.
2. Fiddlesticks
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