Call for Entries Deadline:

This program is now closed.

Learn more about current programs here.

Bold. Innovative. Visionary. Exceptional.

These traits and more define Ragan's Top Women in Marketing. 

This Award program celebrates the exceptional individuals – at any stage in their career – who are transforming brands, breaking barriers and propelling the marketing profession forward.

Chances are, you know a Top Woman in Marketing, and you might even be one yourself. Join us in crafting the go-to list of female marketing leaders that the industry relies on.

Nominate a standout marketing colleague or partner who consistently exceeds expectations, delivering exceptional results – or nominate yourself. These leading women in marketing thrive in an environment where engaging audiences is a daily challenge. They excel in captivating audiences and driving action.

Honorees will be recognized at a special live event at the City Winery in New York City on Oct. 30, 2024. They will also receive editorial coverage across our websites, assets to promote their recognition and more.

We welcome self-nominations and nominations on behalf of clients and colleagues. If you or someone you know epitomizes excellence in marketing, submit your nominations by June 25, 2024.



 Agency Leaders

She is her agency’s go-to source for marketing inspiration and excellence.

 Brand Marketers

She goes above and beyond to elevate her brand as a whole.

 Content Marketers

She crafts messaging and content that engages and inspires her audience.

 Data/Analytics Leaders

She’s highly calculating – in a good way – to move the profession forward.

 Lead Generation Marketers

She effortlessly navigates the intricacies of identifying and captivating potential customers, converting prospects into valuable leads with finesse.

 Product Marketers

She knows the ins and outs of her brand's products—and she knows how to communicate their benefits to a target audience.

 Social Media Marketers

Her social media content and strategy earns audience attention—and delivers results.

 Team Leaders

She leads with confidence and empathy, and her team looks up to her.

 Tech/Digital Marketers

She demonstrates exceptional leadership and innovation at the intersection of technology and digital marketing, shaping the future of the industry.

 Marketers to Watch (Age 30 and Under)

She may be a relatively young marketing professional, but she’s quickly making her mark on the industry.


Tell us in 500 words or less about your nominee’s accomplishments in the previous 12 months. The winning list of Ragan’s Top Women in Marketing will be those who have distinguished themselves among their peers with meaningful achievements.

Choose a category that best describes the nominee and head to the online entry form to submit your short essay along with any supporting materials you feel will be helpful to the judges. Ragan’s panel of judges will select multiple winners from each category and reserves the right to place your nominee in the category that best fits her accomplishments.

You will be able to upload additional documents to your submission. We encourage you to include samples of marketing projects, videos, analytics, testimonials and anything else you feel will give us a better sense of your project. Proprietary or internal information can also be attached and will not be shared with the public.


  • The nominee must work in a marketing role
  • You can self-nominate or nominate a client or peer from your organization or another organization
  • You can nominate up to 10 women
  • The time period: March 2023 – March 2024
  • This is a global award; nominations are accepted from all countries
  • Contact Brendan Gannon with any questions. You can  email or call 312-960-4407.

This year’s program is open to any work executed between March 1, 2023, and March 15, 2024, inclusive.


The fee for this program is $525 per entry.

A late fee of $275 per entry will be added to all entries received after 11:59 p.m. Central time, March 15, 2024.

All entries are non-returnable and non-refundable.

W-9 Form / Tax ID Number Request

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you apply?
It is increasingly important to recognize the important role of female marketing professionals within an organization. This awards program allows you to prove your value, or the value of your colleagues or clients. A Top Woman in Marketing reflects on the entire organization. Winners will earn publicity for their work and their across our websites and social media audiences, a custom write-up about their work and a trophy.
Who can enter?
Nominations may be submitted on behalf of individuals worldwide. Self-nominations, as well as nominations on behalf of colleagues or clients are accepted. The only requirement is that entries be submitted in English. This program is open to female marketing practitioners in the private, corporate, nonprofit and government sectors.
What does it take to be a winner?
We look for top-quality work that shows clear, bold and creative ideas that benefit your business or client. If applicable, please provide metrics or media coverage that back up your claims, and share creative collateral such as videos, visual design or websites that were a part of the nominee's projects. Please look at our past award winners to see what gets recognized and rewarded.
What are the entry requirements?
Tell us in 500 words or less about your nominee’s accomplishments in the previous 12 months. The winning list of Top Women in Marketing will be those who have distinguished themselves among their peers with meaningful achievements. You may also include supporting materials you believe will help our judges evaluate your nomination.
When will I find out results?
Honorees will be announced in Summer 2024, and they will be recognized at a special live event on Oct. 30, 2024 at the City Winery in New York City.

Additional Questions

If you have any questions about the program or problems submitting your entry, please email Brendan Gannon or call 312-960-4407.

Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are interested in sponsoring one of Ragan Communications’ award programs, please contact Morgan Einspanier at

Ragan Communications is not responsible for international shipping fees related to trophies or certificates.