Does an intern run your social media?
MyRaganites advise communicators on the role that office 20-somethings should (or shouldn’t) play.
MyRaganites advise communicators on the role that office 20-somethings should (or shouldn’t) play
Take a gander at your interns.
Fresh-faced and eager, these whippersnappers joined Facebook before receiving their college acceptance letter (or wait … e-mail); they Skype with friends who are hiking the Himalayas; and they can text in their sleep.
Don’t even get them started on “Jersey Shore.”
Let’s say your company has finally decided to start using social media. You got approval from your execs. You’re ready to listen.
So tech-savvy and culturally hip you are. Yet, your knowledge runs just so deep, and not very wide. Wouldn’t it be great if one of your interns could run your company’s social media program? Heck, they already own their own Flip cams.
We asked MyRaganites to find out what they thought about turning over the reins to someone who doesn’t remember a time before Google search. You’ll see that the answers vary; so, which do you think is best?
Go for it
Monique Terrell says an intern could handle a company’s social media program but that it’s essential the company has clearly defined its goals in that realm.
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