Need a sexy, easy-to-use digital newsroom? 7 reasons why PressPage is perfect
The search-engine-optimized social media newsroom platform enables you to take control of your website—even without HTML knowhow.

They call it owned media, all those stories and videos you’re producing on your website.
But do you really own it? Or do you have to plead with IT to post a story, image, or video? Must you ask a geek with a desktop bobblehead collection to correct a simple typo?
Do you have to drag in your social media director to spread a press release on Twitter and LinkedIn?
PressPage—a Ragan Communications partner—offers a way to take control of your organization’s owned media, says Bart Verhulst, the company’s co-founder and CEO.
PressPage supplies search-engine-optimized social media newsroom technology that can be integrated into websites, allowing organizations to manage content marketing easily. It puts comms and marketing—not IT—in the driver’s seat.
Here are some things you can do with PressPage:
1. Publish content without IT.
In many organizations, communicators have to beg and bribe their Web people to post content, Verhulst says. If there’s a mistake in the text, IT has to fix it. And in a crisis, response is delayed.
“So that means that real-time PR is out of the question,” Verhulst says.
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