Spelling test! How many of these words are spelled incorrectly?
And you thought the days of spelling tests ended years ago. Your performance on this short quiz will help inform you about your editing skills.

Since I’ve been writing about writing for PR Daily, I’ve covered such topics as punctuation, usage, words and their shades of meaning, and how to proofread for success.
Now it’s time to move on to spelling. Instead of a post about commonly misspelled words and how to spell them correctly, I’m going to confine this post to a short quiz and a few sentences.
Please make note of which words from the list below are spelled incorrectly.
How many did you guess: three or four, maybe even 10? Some of them look like they have to be misspelled, right?
Not so fast. Every word on this list is spelled correctly. Review them closely. If you still don’t believe me, look them up in the dictionary.
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