The 7 (or 12) deadly sins of blogging
Time to repent your weblog’s transgressions and make it a light amid the darkness, online evangelists say.
Somebody’s feeling awfully guilty out there.
Try searching the words blogging and sins—accompanied by your local cleric, if you wish—and you’ll find a host of advice about how to avoid committing the Seven Deadly Sins of blogging.
Some expand the list of iniquities to as many as 12, the authors apparently having a greater imagination than the Almighty. Others, of more lenient sects, list as few as four.
Either way, put on your hair shirt, don sackcloth and ashes, or dig out your scourge from the closet. The authors assure pardon for all who truly repent of their transgressions, starting with having annoyed and bored their readership.
One of the most recent is Rajeev Edmonds’ list of the 12 Deadly Sins of a Small Business Blog. This isn’t the place if you were hoping to find sins of the sort that would make good illustrations in a Compendium of Impious Acts to Avoid—sloth, lust, gluttony, etc. His sins mostly deal with search engine optimization and technical aspects of blogging.
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