The master guide to retweet success
This powerful little action can gain you followers and influence, but only if you do it correctly.

On Twitter, a retweet can be a valuable way to share information with your network, build your following, and pay homage to the person you’re retweeting. Or, it can be spam and a vain attempt to draw attention to yourself. You decide.
Retweeting is beneficial
Retweeting aligns your name with the information you’re sharing, and shows your network who you think posts valuable information. It shows respect for the person who dug up that bit of news, said something brilliant, or is just spot-on about something.
For a brand, watching how a retweet spreads can help you identify influencers who can support your brand and its initiatives. If one tweet launches a thousand retweets, wouldn’t you want to know who the original tweeter was?
If people retweet your posts a lot, you’re probably building your social network pretty fast. People will see others retweeting you and want to find out more about you.
Not sure what to retweet?
The knee jerk response is to retweet anything that interests you and that you think would benefit your followers.
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