The weirdest words in English—from A to Z
Whether you want to expand your vocabulary or just have a good laugh, this list’s for you.
Have you ever worn “winkle-pickers” or “salopettes”? Is the saying about French women and their “oxters” true? Has someone called you a “ninnyhammer” before? Do you know someone who is experiencing “zoanthropy” and is convinced he is an elephant?
If you’re confused as to how to answer any—or all—of these questions, never fear! I’ve created this confusion, and I’m here to clear it up with this alphabetical list of 26 weird English words and their meanings.
Do you have a favorite weird word in English or any other language? Drop the word and definition in the comments section below.
Agastopia (n.)
Admiration of a particular part of someone’s body
Boondoggle (n. and v.)
n.—Work of little or no value
v.—To deceive or attempt to deceive
Cabotage (n.)
Trade or transport in coastal waters, airspace or between two points within a country
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