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What’s with this trend of giving presentation software the credit when startups pull big money from investors?
I was splashing around in my Twitter stream the other day, mostly because I was on a deadline and didn’t feel like dealing with it, when I ran across a couple of related, and disturbing, stories.
Now, two stories do not a trend make, I realize. But I have a feeling that either a) there are a lot more stories out there like this; or b) stories like this are about to become a trend.
If it’s the former, people should be aware of it, so they can ignore it. And if it’s the latter, we need to smother this thing in the cradle before it grows up and does some serious damage.
I found the first story via a link from Guy Kawasaki, the Internet guru, bestselling author, and “enchanter” of people who has more than 1 million followers on Twitter and isn’t afraid to tell you about it.
Here was Kawasaki’s tweet (yes, I follow Kawasaki, as do more than 1 million other people, as he will be the first to tell you):
Well, I thought. This sounds kind of interesting. So I followed the link (anything to avoid working on the deadline project), and after hitting about four more links (all of which probably count as traffic on Kawasaki’s website), I finally found the story, which looked like this:
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