What’s better: A Facebook group or Facebook page?
The social network has made the decision for you. If you currently use a group, take a look at how to create a page instead.
There’s an issue people constantly raise in my seminars and workshops in a conversation that usually goes something like this:
Them: “Should we have a Facebook group or a Facebook page?”
Me: “Well, Facebook wants you to use pages for organizational profiles, and groups for small group collaboration…”
Them: “You see, we’ve had a Facebook group for a few years now, and it does really well. Will Facebook convert it to a page for us?”
Me: “Funny thing, when they introduced pages, they told people they’d take requests to convert existing groups. But after keeping a lot of folks on a waiting list for months, they abruptly announced they wouldn’t switch any more groups.”
Them: “So what do we do?”
Me: “Well, either live with your group—and its shortcomings—or create a new page, and post messages to your group’s members asking them to like the page. Some will come over; a lot probably won’t. You can also maintain both simultaneously for a while, but that can be a lot more work, and you’re diluting participation.
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