6 ways to use the new PR and social media measurement standards
A checklist to help you implement the new PR and social media measurement standards.

You know the industry has developed new standards for public relations and social media measurement.
What should you do with and about them?
Below is your checklist. The first item will bring you up to speed on what the standards are, and the rest of the items explain how you can start using the standards.
Extra credit: Read WOMMA’s Influencer Guidebook and AMEC’s PR Professional’s Definitive Guide to Measurement.
Extra extra credit: Post your comments, critiques and encouragement on these efforts.
2. If you issue a request for proposal for measurement, make sure it includes a requirement to comply with the standards. Have your vendors use The Sources and Methods Transparency Table.
3. Evaluate your current programs. If you already have a measurement system in place, take a hard look at all your programs. Which adhere most closely to the standards, and which have the farthest to go?
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