Hospital network’s brand journalism site attracts media, patients and employees
Hoping to grab attention in a distracted world, Advocate Health Care launches a website structured like a media outlet.

Horne’s story has all the makings of a perfect media pitch: compelling content, a hot news topic, and great timing.
But Advocate Public Affairs Director, Stephanie Johnson, didn’t bother writing a press release or a story pitch to alert media. Instead, she directed reporters to the story she had just posted on health enews, Advocate’s new brand journalism site.
CNN producer, Stephanie Smith loved the story and wrote her own piece for In a few weeks, she’ll be back to walk the streets with Horne to produce a news segment with CNN medical reporter Sanjay Gupta.
Health enews is the latest entry in the hottest trend in communications: brand journalism. Advocate joins other major organizations, from Coca-Cola to HSBC in creating consumer-friendly news sites to attract eyeballs—and showcase their brands.
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