10 reasons PR still matters
There will always be crises, and the media is still the top influencer of public opinion. Can your marketing department handle these issues on its own?

Nothing could be further from the truth. The PR industry is going through some growing pains and significant change, but the importance of effective communications has never been more pronounced than in today’s integrated media environment.
1. In the social universe, messaging is key
It isn’t enough to engage on social media, or have lots of “likes” and followers. If an organization isn’t communicating its key messages, then the social media effort is a waste of time. That’s where the professional communicators come in.
2. Reputation is a C-level concern
Reputation is top of mind, even at the executive level, and especially at the biggest companies. We’re even seeing chief reputation officers being appointed. Good reputation management is good PR.
3. Crisis is chronic
Recent history has shown us how crucial effective crisis management is. And in today’s fast-paced media landscape, an ultra-quick response with finely-tuned messaging is a must. Incidents like the 2010 BP disaster in the Gulf have shown us how good the executive level is at handling crisis management without good PR counsel: not at all.
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