10 terrific online tools for writers

From blogging platforms to cloud storage to nuggets of inspiration, these can help streamline or fortify your creative process.

1. Google Docs

If you have a desktop-based whiteboard, there is a good chance that Google Docs can replace it. (You might wish to keep your desktop program, though, so you can work without an Internet connection.) It’s helpful for creating and managing documents online, especially if you are in an Internet cafĂ© or are using someone else’s computer system.

2. Microsoft Office Web

This does not offer all the functions that Microsoft Office does, but it does have all the familiar functions that Word users demand. It is easy to use and will be the choice of most Microsoft Word fans.

3. ThinkFree Office Write

This application, which you can use online, has all the features of Google Docs, plus a few others. Its feel and simplicity make some people uncomfortable; others feel it offers greater freedom than most.

4. Adobe Buzzword

This device has the now-standard writing features you might expect. The visual environment of Buzzword has the signature feel of any Adobe product.

5. Zoho Writer

This tool is similar to Google docs, except that it can be used independently instead of being integrated into a bigger device, as Google Docs is.

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