10 visual elements that social media adores
These bits of eye candy get shared widely and frequently online. Make sure your brand isn’t left on the shelf.

Do you want double your social engagement and see your content shared like crazy?
For small-business people and brand managers everywhere, posting multiple images on social media has been proven to deliver massive traction.
It seems simple, right? If it was so easy, wouldn’t everybody do it?
Like most good things in life, there’s a catch.
When it comes to content creation, many people make this simple mistake: They add more visuals just for the sake of it. This is a basic approach. Smart content marketers create visual content that reach people’s emotions—content with real psychological impact.
If you’re not a graphic designer or artist, don’t freak out. I’m going to walk you through you 10 types of powerful visuals that are easy to create and can double your social media engagement. Let’s get started:
1. High-quality stock photography
Beware: Your fans will smell a cheesy stock photo from a million miles away. Not only will it lead them to discredit your professionalism as a brand, but it also will deter them from wanting to share your post.
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