12 fantabulous made-up words

Has the latest corporatistical policy led to inboxapocalypse? Not sure what that means? You’d better peruse these 12 coinages. We dare you to use one (or more) in your next meeting.

Though I don’t often get to invent words as part of my job, I love to read about words that others have created.

Below is a list of my favorite fictional words. You probably won’t find these in the Oxford English Dictionary any time soon, but let’s have some fun with them. Try using one in conversation with your co-workers or in your next staff meeting.

1. Beardspiration — a person whose beard is so inspiring, it causes others to grow beards of their own.

Example: That bartender’s goatee was truly a beardspiration.

2. Beertastrophe — an event that leads to an epic loss of beer.

Example: A fire at the brewery meant beertastrophe for the tri-state area.

3. Broetry — poetry for men.

Example: Thursdays are broetry night at Chili’s.

4. Corporatistical — a company policy enacted because of overdeveloped corporate egos.

Example: The new dress code is clearly corporatistical.

5. Deskorations — decorations purchased for your office that were selected to appear as if they were cool objects you had lying around the house.

Example: You’re right. That mini Zen garden would make a cool deskoration.

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