15 Shakespearean quotes for PR pros
The ides of March prompted this executive to revisit Shakespeare for some reminders on how to practice PR.

If you did, then like me, you’re a fan of Bill the Bard, except you probably know him by another name: William Shakespeare. It’s thanks to Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” that the phrase—and its most popular historical reference—live on well after the actual Caesar was assassinated back in 44 B.C.
For what it’s worth, I’m not watching my back today. Not any more than usual, because I know you have my back … right?
I don’t know if we ever stop to think about just how much of our language, sayings and references we owe to Shakespeare. If you look at quotes from his plays, some are particularly relevant for public relations professionals, even today.
1. “This above all; to thine own self be true.” ~ Hamlet, Act III, Scene I.
In PR: This is one of the most important things we need to remember, as practitioners and advisers to our clients. What is important about what we do, and why should anyone care?
Accurately translating the “truth” of who we, or our organization, are at our core, is critical to good storytelling, which is what we do.
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