15 takeaways from the PR News Facebook conference
From ‘like-gate’ to measuring your competitor’s bit.ly links, what this PR pro learned about Facebook this week—and what you can, too.
The room was packed, the salmon was dry and Facebook was in the air Tuesday at the PR News Facebook Conference at the Grand Hyatt in New York City.
With that in mind, I wanted to post a short list of informative items that I took away:
1. Should I be embarrassed to say that I didn’t know what “like-gate” meant? It’s the terminology for a fan having to “like” your Facebook page before they’re able to view content, participate in conversations and contests, etc. This term was explained by Jason Winocour.
2. Do you know what content becomes “Top News” in your Facebook feed? It’s created by an algorithm (not drawn on a frosty window in a Harvard dorm) called EdgeRank and is comprised of affinity, weight and relevancy. I’ll be using these phrases more often, thanks to Greg Roth of Buddy Media.
3. You don’t need to give away prizes to be successful in engaging fans in contests or trivia. These simple words of wisdom from Kim Miller from Time Inc.
4. According to Buddy Media, Thursday is the best day of the week to get eyes on your Facebook posts.
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