2 oft-neglected methods for securing media coverage
As maligned as email is, it endures as a way for journalists to seek sources. If your info@ inbox is gathering e-cobwebs or your point person has left, you’re missing out on getting ink.

Yes, just two simple things.
As a writer, editor and content marketing strategist, I frequently reach out online to corporate PR representatives or executives to obtain information or arrange interviews for articles, blog posts and other content I’m creating. It’s a crucial part of the process.
However, that online outreach often hits a dead end (and it doesn’t have to).
Here are the two things I encounter all the time that some PR folks and corporate executives irritatingly aren’t doing:
1. You’re not monitoring your company’s info@ email address.
I’ve lost track of how many times, over the years, I have sent an email to an info@ email address and then never hear a peep from a single soul.
Is there some black hole out there where all those emails go? If you have an info@ email address posted on your website, monitor it. Don’t let it become an email graveyard.
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