20 redundant phrases to eliminate from your writing
It’s completely unanimous; these phrases should be past history.

Unfortunately, a lot of writers have a tendency to use redundant phrases that bog down their writing. Using unnecessary words doesn’t just make your press release, article, blog, email, etc. longer, it also makes it weaker and muddles the point you’re trying to make. Keeping your sentences crisp and clear adds punch to your writing, and helps get your point across more effectively.
I’ve come up with a list of 20 redundant phrases you should strive to eliminate from your writing.
1. Advance notice. When you give notice for something, you’re doing so in advance of the event taking place. Just use the word “notice.”
2. Advance preview. The dictionary defines preview as “anything that gives an advance idea or impression of something to come.” There’s no need to slap the word “advance” in front of it.
3. At the present time. Simply say either “at present” or “at this time.” There’s no need to be wordy.
4. Close proximity. The word proximity already means “close by,” so it doesn’t need to be qualified with the word “close.”
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