25 frequently jumbled homonyms
If you’re ‘chomping’ at the bit to avoid collateral damage from explosive editorial ‘ordinance’ fired by misaligned content ‘canons,’ read on.

Dozens of homonyms—words that sound like other words but are spelled differently—are sometimes confused for their near doppelgängers. This post lists and defines 25 frequently confused word pairs, in which the first word is usually used mistakenly in place of the second one. (Definitions for words are simplified and not comprehensive.)
add: increase
ad: abbreviation for advertisement
aid: help
aide: one who helps
block: area bounded by streets, or an obstacle or a solid object
bloc: group with ideas or ideology in common
cannon: piece of artillery
canon: collection of works, or regulation, or standards or rules or a collection of them
canvas: durable, heavy protective material
canvass ]: debate, examine, or go out in search of responses
chomp: bite down
champ: bite down (same meaning, but idiom is “champ at the bit”)
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