3 important findings from this year’s Edelman Trust Barometer
These findings might make you nervous, but don’t panic—there’s a silver lining around all the clouds.
Edelman’s Trust Barometer is a fantastic resource each year. It’s usually full of great content many people use in blogs, e-newsletters and client recommendations throughout the year.
If you read this year’s report, though, you might think the world is coming to an end.
Don’t worry. It isn’t. In fact, I would argue that it should make you feel pretty darn good about your work.
In a few spots, at least:
1. Trust in executives is at an all-time low, but trust in “people like me” is at an all-time high.
Sure, it’s not great news that the masses no longer trust executives, but that’s been a long time coming. What’s more striking is the fact that “people like me” are trusted, which is good news for corporate communicators. Think about it-what is one audience that communicators frequently use to reach the employee masses? Managers, who are “people like me.” We’ve been communicating via mid-level managers for years, and they are frequently one of the most effective communications channels.
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