4 PR uses for the iPad

Apple’s new device might become a PR must-have sooner than you think.

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Apple’s new device might become a PR must-have sooner than you think

I’ll admit it, I’m an Apple fanboy. Not a huge one, but definitely a fanatic. I will also say I’ve been more than pessimistic about the newly launched iPad in more ways than one. (despite reviews like this from Engadget).

Apple has a history of creating a market for its products, but I couldn’t get my head around how I’d actually use the iPad. More importantly, what can it do for us as PR practitioners and communicators?

After playing with the tool for a brief time and reading about it, here are four ways we might use the tool:

1. Help activate brands at local events. Does your brand have a presence at local sports, music or other events? Think about how a device like the iPad could help. You could use it to sign up customers and potential customers to follow your brand on Facebook or Twitter. Or, what about showcasing your newest video or product demo on the fly? Since the iPad is a bit larger than an iPhone and smaller and more portable than a Macbook, ideas like these now become reality.

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