4 steps for revamping your online newsroom
Ditch the static for the state-of-the-art, and make all the elements easier to share.
Do you know where journalists and bloggers go first to dig out more information about your company? Yes, it’s the online newsroom. According to the 2010 Bulldog Reporter/TEKgroup International Journalist survey, which included journalists working across all media:
I am amazed at how many companies merely post press releases with no multi-media content attached. Seriously, wake up! It’s about time you added multi-media content via executive videos, brief presentations, podcasts and customer testimonials that are easy to download, embed and share across social networks.
Here are a few steps to get started on an online newsroom that drives media coverage and, more important, provides content that your audience would like to share:
1. Replace customer logos with short video testimonials: As YouTube has become the No. 2 search engine and with people consuming more video content on a daily basis, your online newsroom must leverage the Google juice that videos can bring to your site. One easy way to add video content is to replace your static webpage, the one awash in logos, with your top five customer testimonials.
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