4 things writers should stop worrying about
You can drive yourself crazy in the pursuit of perfection. Take a step back and follow this advice for making writing easier.

Writing at work causes so much stress. So many questions. So much doubt.
Is this comma in the right place? Is that a run-on sentence? Do you need “who” or “whom”? If you click “send” now, how long until everyone discovers just how verbally clueless you really are?
Style and accuracy do matter. A single typo can land your message in the trash bin, and bad grammar can quash your credibility. But the more you fret and obsess over those details, the more likely you are to kill the very qualities a writer needs most: confidence and creativity.
So relax a little. Here are four things you can stop worrying about when you write.
1. Stop trying to get it right the first time.
Your first draft doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t even have to be good. It just needs to be done.
The moment you start analyzing the quality of your writing—second-guessing and correcting your work—is the moment you switch off your creativity. You’re not writing anymore; you’re editing. Editing is an act of judgment, not creativity.
Editing too soon is premature evaluation. It’s invasion of your own creative space. Don’t do it.
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