4 ways to ensure that reporters will ignore your e-mails
Sick of hearing nothing back from journalists after you send an e-mail pitch? Avoid these common openers that kill interest instantly.
You know the disclaimer: “Don’t try this at home.” Well, here’s a work-related disclaimer: Don’t try these on-the-job.
If you’re sending e-mail pitches to reporters, it’s a good idea to do some basic homework and tailor your pitch. My friend Gordon Deal is the host of The Wall Street Journal This Morning. It’s a syndicated business and news program that’s broadcast on 200 radio stations nationwide.
He urges people who pitch news stories to avoid the following when writing their subject line and opening sentences:
1. “Dear Gordon Deal” or “Dear Radio Show Host.” That tells me I’m just an e-mail blast. I know this is intended for someone who just happened to be on the computer and picked it up. I am not interested whatsoever.
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