5 alternative uses for your press release
A nip here, a tuck there—or maybe (gasp!) some elaboration—and you’ve repurposed it into a memo, a white paper, even a series of blog posts.
Tired of seeing newspapers reject your press release? Feel like you’re writing all the time with no payoff? Then it’s time for a change in tactics. Instead of repeatedly doing the same thing and getting the same result, why not transform your press release into something else entirely.
Here are five ideas about what to do with your press release besides emailing it to your contact list with a goodbye kiss and crossed fingers.
1. A download
Remember your first draft of the release? It was probably much longer and more involved than the final draft. Find that original version, extract all the information you can, and see whether you can turn it into a handout, white paper, case study or even an e-book. From there, you can offer your transformed press release to the interested public as free, additional info when they stop by your site to check out your product or service, or perhaps as a carrot to get them to join your mailing list. And the space limitations of a press release have vanished!
2. Internal memo
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