5 steps to blog your way out of a crisis
Being forthright and available to your audience—especially those directly affected by the specific problem—will help you weather the storm.

If you’re already blogging for business, then you’re in good shape. Your content strategy could turn out to be what saves you when Murphy does come knocking. Here are the five steps you need to know to leverage your blog as a crisis-aversion tool:
Step 1: Be the first to admit your wrongs.
“Your sin will find you out.” Why not make it a little easier on yourself and admit your wrongs before they are unearthed in a media uproar? As CNN Money points out, this is exactly what Toyota failed to in its “unintended acceleration” situation: “Rather than make a forthright statement about the problem, its history, and its proposed solution, the automaker responded with obfuscation, delay, blame-shifting, and denial.”
Keep one step ahead of the arrows that the media or your social media circles might sling your way. Use your company blog to admit your wrongs before someone else tells your story. When you control the conversation, you improve the odds that the truth, rather than misinformation, will be shared.
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