5 surprising reasons haters are good for your business
How complaints from your disgruntled audience can actually help your company.

There are generally two kinds of businesses, the ones who are afraid of haters and the ones who aren’t. A hater is pretty easy to spot—someone who is disgruntled enough to actively talk about how much they hate you and your business. They often find their way onto social media, thanks to the low barrier of entry and promise that any invisible comment can find its way onto the highly visible first page of Google results.
Though it may not seem like it, haters are a good thing. Here’s why:
1. Haters expose vulnerability. No business is perfect and haters sometimes have valid points. It requires an open mind to focus on the heart of a complaint and ignore the emotionally charged aspects. Doing so will hone in on the things you really need to fix and make your business stronger.
2. Haters can be converted. There are many types of haters who may cross your path. The most frequent type isn’t the one who will passionately hate your business forever, but rather someone who has had a negative experience of some kind. If you can find a way to fix that experience and make it right, that same person can be transformed into your biggest advocate.
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