5 useful objectives for social media measurement
Why you need to stop using ‘ROI’ as a catch-all for all things measurement.
Why you need to stop using ‘ROI’ as a catch-all for all things measurement
Measurement and analysis of social media can mean many things. All of them are useful, and not all of them are about that widely-misunderstood ROI.
There are some things you need to realize and understand about social media measurement before you get started.
One of the most important pieces of putting together a sound analysis strategy around social media is figuring out what, exactly, you’re trying to diagnose and determine. We often use the term “ROI” as a catch-all for saying “prove that this is worth it to our business,” when there are many ways to look at success, value, impact or input. Let’s take a look at five useful objectives for measurement, and some of the metrics that might apply.
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