5 ways to solve the most common social media crimes
Your company has multiple Facebook pages and follows spam bots on Twitter? Get to the bottom of the problem with these tips.
What are the crimes?
Sometimes it’s a complete lack of strategic vision or counsel before jumping into social media.
Sometimes it’s a crime of passion—excitement can get the best of people and they leap without planning.
Other times it’s a crime of pure injustice—a company unknowingly puts faith in an ill-equipped social media consultant or agency.
And in other instances, it’s a crime of negligence. A department starts a social media presence and grows it in a silo while upper management turns a blind eye.
Regardless of the reasons for the crime—innocent as they may be—companies emerge a bit scarred and desperate for help from those who have the chops to make it through the crime scene.
Social media forensics
A friend of mine came up with the term social media forensics to describe this process, and it really resonated with me. Like an actual crime scene investigator, it’s not our job to accuse or try the perpetrator, but to reveal the story and see that justice prevails.
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