57 words you may not have known you could use in Scrabble
From ‘xi’ to ‘zymurgy,’ here are a few words to add to your personal Scrabble dictionary, along with definitions.
Like many Ragan.com readers, I enjoy a friendly game of Scrabble now and then. Well, maybe “friendly” isn’t the best way to describe it. I’m actually a merciless Scrabble player.
It goes back to when I was 10 and playing Scrabble with my older sister. She wouldn’t let me put “zit” on the triple word score because she insisted “zit” wasn’t a word. Furious, I quit the game, flipped over the board, and swore I would never again play Scrabble with my sister.
For those who’ve had similar experiences playing Scrabble, here is a list of high scoring, Scrabble-acceptable words with links to their definitions. While you’re playing, you might as well boost your vocabulary, right?
Two-letter words
Three-letter words
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