6 essentials for taking the helm as CEO of your career
Whether you aspire to your organization’s executive suite or you just want to focus on the work you excel at and love, try these steps for burnishing your brand and fulfilling your potential.

Perhaps you aspire to the corner office, or you want to develop leadership skills that will help advance your career. You can begin to learn what it takes to be CEO by becoming CEO of your own career.
As CEO, here are six responsibilities you must oversee as you lead the enterprise (the business of advancing your career).
1. Focus on your brand.
Yes, you have a brand, whether you realize it or not. To manage your brand, consider the following questions:
As CEO, you will want to understand these elements of your brand and focus your look, your message and your actions to reinforce them.
2. Determine your goals.
Good CEOs don’t operate with a vague set of goals hoping for opportunity to knock. They know that the right opportunities are more likely to appear when you’re pursuing defined goals.
To explore your goals, complete this statement: “It would be great if (what)…”
Then ask, “What else would be great?”
Try to generate 10 to 20 potential goal statements. Think big. Then for each statement ask, “Why would that be great?”
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