6 handy SEO tools to use and peruse

Don’t let Google’s confusing algorithm get you down. Try resources such as Soovle, Answer the Public and Screaming Frog to discover fresh keyword opportunities.

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SEO can be a tricky thicket for communicators.

Regardless of ilk or industry, if your website doesn’t appear near the top of Google’s search results, it’s as if you don’t exist.

Here to help untangle Google’s confounding algorithm is Alan Bush, VP of operations at Ignite and an instructor of SEO and digital marketing at the University of California, San Diego. He recently led a session at Ragan’s “Latest Google Skills for Communicators Virtual Summit”  covering:

He also offered six terrific SEO resources communicators can use, including:

Soovle. Per Bush: “This free tool is a great resource for generating ideas using auto-search from seven different popular search engines—simultaneously.”

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