6 lessons dogs can teach PR pros

This agency head says our furry companions can unleash quite a few communications insights. Consider these takeaways.

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You’ll never find a friend more loyal than your dog.

Pets can teach us several insights about loyalty—to ourselves, our clients and our jobs. A wagging tail carries a lot of weight. Pets remind PR pros to always be excited about what we do and how we feel about our clients.

In honor of the recent “take your dog to work day,” my office turned to our pets for inspiration performing our jobs better.

Here are six ways dogs can help communicators:

1. They help us prep for the dog and pony show

In PR agency life, new business can be a dog-eat-dog process. PR pros can gain inspiration around our dogs, and might even speak out loud to them about ideas for that perfect client pitch.

Speaking out loud can help you organize your thoughts—and dogs can be attentive listeners (something we should slow down long enough to try). Dogs can also let you know if you’re barking up the wrong tree, but they do in it a friendly, loving way—another lesson PR pros.

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