6 ways to find your writing voice
No matter what you write—from newsletters to blog posts to tweets—it shouldn’t sound like it came from a robot. Consider these tips before you type another word.

Have you ever stumbled upon a blog and thought, “Did a robot or Martian write this?” Whoever the author was, he didn’t seem human.
Having a voice when you write is about being human, displaying a personality and being willing to be vulnerable.
Here are some tips to find your voice:
1. Show your personality.
Your voice is your personality on display—warts and all. Place a stake in the ground. Put your hands up and say, “This is what I think, believe and feel. I believe in this and I am sharing it.”
When you do this, people start to trust and listen.
2. Display your humor.
Is your humor dark, dry or ironic? Don’t let the seemingly innocuous non-appreciation of your children, friends and family dissuade you. Press on. Have fun.
Sometimes the crowd doesn’t get it, but you are not creating for the masses—only fans and believers.
3. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes.
The audience you want to communicate with will help you define your voice. Keep in mind that most people read at a grade-school level. Trying to be smart and clever by using big words and complicated sentences will just make people click away.
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