7 fundamentals of starting a company blog from scratch
If your company is making its debut in the blogosphere, follow these tips to make sure it arrives with a bang.
It’s more than ideas. It’s more than marketing. Starting a corporate blog is a commitment and should be carefully thought out before executing.
The technology portion—the right look, functionality and widgets—is not that big of deal when it comes to long-term success. You can make technology do anything you want, iterate and add widgets over time. However, you can’t make humans do anything you want, and that is the most overlooked and most important aspect of starting a company blog from scratch. Let’s look at the practical political realities of building a company blog.
1. Assess the culture. Even if starting a blog is the right thing to do, it might not be a wise thing if your company can’t sustain it. Are you built to blog? I was working with a company that definitely could have used a blog and other social media tools to stand out, but the culture of the company (usually dictated by the person at the top) didn’t support it.
It is disastrous to try to implement plans that your company either can’t, or won’t, support. If you have a resistant culture, begin an education process and don’t dive into a kamikaze mission.
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