7 ways to keep up with social media changes

A new platform or tool is born almost every day. How’s a pro to keep up? Test out a few of these suggestions.

And it’s little wonder why. We’re living in the middle of an unprecedented frenzy of change.

When was the last time there was an innovation in television that impacted the way we marketed? It was 1975—cable TV, and now, arguably, the move toward asynchronous viewing on mobile devices. If you do a lot of print advertising, the fundamentals have been the same since the advent of the printing press in 1450.

But social media? Not only do the platforms shift every day, the rules of engagement change constantly, too. Can anybody keep up with the real (and rumored) changes just to Facebook’s EdgeRank formula?

What we considered best practices six months ago are passé today. Social media is overwhelming, especially when there is pressure to master every new platform that comes along.

So how can you keep up? Here are seven ideas to help you stay calm and carry on:

1. Master the marketing fundamentals.

The most effective coping mechanism for me is a deep understanding of marketing fundamentals. The platforms keep changing, but the basics of marketing and consumer behavior don’t.

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