An A to Z guide to employee engagement
These 26 pointers will help you build a superstar team.
This A to Z list about engagement from an employee’s perspective will help you determine where to focus your attention. Armed with these insights, you will be well on your way to developing engaged workforce you want and need.
Ask : Ask me questions, ask me for ideas, or ask me to participate. You will grab my attention and begin the process of capturing my heart.
Behave: How you behave towards me, my co-workers and those we interact with tells me a great deal. When you treat us like adults and contributors, we can move forward.
Treat me as overhead, a resource, or human capital (whatever that is), and I will drift off to another place. Yelling, screaming or ignoring me—except when I mess up—won’t work either.
Communicate and collaborate: If you want me to be engaged, help me understand what’s going on in the company. Tell me what led to or shaped our decisions. In other words, communicate with me. It’s from this foundation that you, me and others on our team can work together to clarify opportunities and determine how we will succeed. Let’s collaborate.
Deliver: When you make promises or say you’ll get back to me on something, please remember to deliver. You will build credibility and trust. If we can rely on you, rest assured you can rely on us.
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