An apostrophe ban? Whats next?
This linguist fears the worst if punctuation vanishes altogether.

There’s a disturbing trend that I see now and then, and to be honest it’s making me nervous. Apparently there is a movement dedicated to eradicating certain punctuation marks forever.
The first time I heard this was when I read an article from The Telegraph. Yes, the newspaper in England. You know, the very country that is supposed to be the final word on all good grammar and etiquette, like which monstrosity of a hat to wear to a royal wedding.
The article’s headline was “Apostrophes abolished by council.” Apparently, the Birmingham City Council decided to ban apostrophes because the staff members spent too much time dealing with complaints about grammar.
Blimey, Brits! What fore art thou thinking?
So let me get this straight—because some folks have complained that your signs throughout town are grammatically incorrect, you’ve decided to get rid of the apostrophe across the board? You didn’t know if it should be St. Paul’s Square or St. Pauls’ Square, so now it’s just St. Pauls Square?
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