Avoid these 10 time-wasting tweets
If you’re short on time, don’t tell Twitter good morning, share inspirational quotes or retweet what everyone has already seen. Here’s how to tweet smart and save time.

My advice is typically two-fold:
If you want to be successful in social media, you need to take it seriously. Schedule it the same way you schedule other work tasks—email, meetings with staff, work projects—to make it fit into your day.
However, you can also save and create time by not wasting it on pointless tweets.There are certain types of tweets and updates that we no longer need to write.
When you don’t post these updates, you increase your influence and free up time in your day to engage in ways that matter. It’s like magic.
Below are 10 tweets you should never post.
1. The “good morning” tweet
Do you wake up to see “Good Morning” or “Good Morning, Twitter” trending every day? This makes me fear for us as humans. Why do people do this? Why do you do this? Why do people feel the need to say good morning to Twitter? Stop!
While we’re at it, you also don’t need to say goodnight to Twitter. Twitter will sleep just fine even if you’re not there to tuck it in.
2. The inspirational quote tweet
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