Miranda Foster, External Communicator of the Year

Common thinking is that the tech sector isn’t a welcoming field for female communicators, nor women in general.
But Miranda Foster is an uncommon presence—and Ragan and PR Daily’s External Communicator of the Year.
Since joining Commvault, which makes data-protection and data-management software, Foster has ascended to the role of vice president, worldwide communications, leading its global public relations, media activities, company communications, social media, and influencer and analyst programs.
With the February 2019 arrival of CEO Sanjay Mirchandani, Foster transformed the attendant challenges into glowing opportunities to introduce the new boss to a global audience, including Commvault employees. To that end, she spearheaded a high-impact listening tour.
She also pushed the communications team to match the innovation focus that Mirchandani was driving within the organization. For instance, the team became more aggressive in pursuing media opportunities and inserting Commvault into cutting-edge topics such as ransomware.
Congratulations on these well-deserved accolades.
View More Communicators Of The Year Awards 2019 Winners.
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