Pictures posted on Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s intranet inspire employees
‘Photo of the Week’ series drives home the reasons why employees are committed to the important work they do.

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute knows that every picture tells a story.
The stories told by its “Photo of the Week” intranet series are so powerful and inspirational that we award Dana-Farber the prize for Best Photography in Ragan’s 2013 Employee Communications Awards.
Each weekly installment is a behind-the-scenes image that goes on DFCI Online, Dana-Farber’s intranet. Photos are of patients, staff, or interesting angles of the buildings.
“On their own, they are powerful, but together, they tell an inspirational story about the people of Dana-Farber—patients and staff—and our goal to cure cancer,” according to the entry. “Because DFCI Online is for staff only, the photos remind us every day why we are here. The intent of all of the photographs we take is to show that images related to cancer do not have to be images of sadness.”
At the end of the year, these images are set to music and released in a “year in review” video for staff.
The “Photo of the Week” section has 900 page views per month, and visitors spend approximately three minutes on the page. About 78 percent of employees visit the intranet at least once a day. In a recent survey, “Photo of the Week” rated highly on the scale of importance for the regular sessions.
Employees have said:
• “Watching this show is a great way of never forgetting why we work here when challenges arise. Thank you.”
• “Very nicely done! You really capture the essence of life at Dana-Farber.”
• “Thank you for capturing kindness, research, science, care and innovation with ‘your lens.’”
Congratulations to Sam Ogden and MacKenzie Kimball.
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