Klick Health’s funny video features creatures
The biotech/health company takes ‘Bring Your Pet to Work Day’ to new levels of silliness.

Shooting a truly funny corporate video can be a challenge.
The concept must be strong, of course, but if the execution falters, the effort will be a no-go.
Klick Health rose to that challenge and tamed it like a lion—a mountain lion, that is.
That’s why Klick Health is the winner of Ragan’s 2014 Employee Communications Award for Best Humorous Video.
Klick’s creative team worked with dozens of exotic animals and their handlers for a funny take on “Bring Your Pet to Work Day.” When it wasn’t feasible to use larger and more ferocious critters—an elephant and a grizzly bear, for example—that creative team set to work creating them digitally.
All this could have fallen apart if the employee actors weren’t up to the task. Part of what makes Klick’s entry work is that staffers aren’t saddled with too much comedic burden. The animals are the stars, and a fair amount of the humor lies in sight gags.
Because of Klick’s work in the health and biotech fields, much of its work can’t or shouldn’t be published online. This video was intended to stoke pride among staffers and to help recruit potential employees by showing its lighter, more personable side.
It has scored on that front, too, according to the folks there:
“As a recruiting tool, the holiday video fared better than anyone could have hoped. The video is cited by interviewees as one of the primary drivers when deciding to apply at Klick.”
We congratulate the creative people at Klick Health for a truly enjoyable two-and-a-half minutes of silliness.
View More Employee Communications Awards 2014 Winners.
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