A simple color code inspires high levels of engagement in employee wellness program
Great communication is front and center in “Go Healthy!” campaign.

Communicating corporate wellness, health, and fitness programs is usually as dull as communications for Employee Assistance Programs and other HR-sponsored benefits. But NextEra Energy’s communications are anything but dull. They’re so good, in fact, that NextEra Energy has won first place in the “Health/Fitness Programs” category of Ragan’s 2015 Employee Communications Awards.
The campaign objectives were deceptively simple: Encourage workers eating in the employee cafeterias to make healthier food choices while at the same time increasing participation in company wellness programs. Under the Go Healthy banner, compelling color-coded graphics used red, yellow, and green (universally understood traffic signal colors) to convey brief messages about healthy, moderate, and unhealthy choices.
The color scheme was applied to individual food items, menus, posters, nutritional information, publications, and online content, and even a dedicated mobile app concept, with themes ranging from food to workouts. Additional collateral expanded awareness of the campaign, including such innovative applications as decals of fit bodies in the locker rooms.
The colorful, integrated, multi-channel approach resulted in more purchases of healthy cafeteria items and an increase in participation in wellness offerings (such as gym memberships and classes).
We offer our congratulations for an innovative and effective campaign to Eve McConnell, Neil Nissan, Adam Fullerton, Jim Nicholas, Mark Carlson, Julie Lyons, Elena Nardi, Ryan Musille, Brooks Price, Marcia Batista, and Andy Scibelli.
View More Employee Communications Awards 2015 Winners.
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