Behind-the-scenes integrations enable one-stop HR shopping for Deloitte employees
Nineteen systems were organized to allow instant access to relevant HR information.

Global consulting firm Deloitte offers a wide range of benefit plans and employee programs while enforcing a multitude of policies. Talent On Demand—Deloitte’s one-stop dashboard for employees—is not only a marvel of design, it’s a masterpiece of systems integration. And it’s now the winner in the “Use for Human Resources” category of Ragan’s 2016 Intranet Awards.
If you’ve seen HR sites on intranets of other organizations, you can easily imagine the nightmare Deloitte’s employees might encounter while trying to navigate their benefits options. By identifying the most common and repetitive interactions performed by Deloitte employees and supporting a new shared-services operating model, the team behind Talent On Demand was able to provide one-click access to more than 40 activities, most of which previously required an HR staff member’s assistance.
The intranet site even boasts a chat function—similar to those found on customer service-oriented websites—along with one-click calling if additional help is required. Pulling this off required integration with an HR system, SharePoint, a staffing system, the company’s 401(k) vendor, training resources, a recognition system, a talent acquisition system, a compliance system, a time and expense system and more.
Team members Karleen Westermeyer, Kunda Jadhav and Yvette Honaker are truly worthy of congratulations for their excellent work.
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