Focusing on one clear goal helps produce results
Philadelphia group employed multiple tactics to increase member engagement.

The General Building Contractors Association (GBCA) had a single key goal for its marketing campaign, labeled #ExcellenceIsBuilding: Increase member engagement. It’s won first place in the “Marketing Campaign” category of PR Daily’s 2018 Nonprofit PR Awards.
The GBAC team wove a secondary goal into its planning, ensuring the organization was perceived as representing all union construction in its Philadelphia market. Multiple campaign elements were bundled into three categories of tactics.
Increasing the GBCA’s presence on multiple media platforms involved developing online maps that displayed every new construction project for the Philadelphia Media Network (which includes key news sources), producing member publications along with a weekly e-newsletter, co-producing four episodes of the local TV show “Growing Greater Philadelphia” and co-producing three TV spots.
The second tactic—increasing member exposure to GBCA educational opportunities—resulted in the establishment of a Construction Leadership Council Leadership Series and social media promotion of the group’s tuition reimbursement program.
The final tactic sought to promote the association’s activities. To accomplish this, the team ensured that GBCA participated in high-profile city activities, contributed to the campaign to bring an Amazon headquarters to Philadelphia and gave to a homeless fundraising activity.
The focused efforts paid off with increased media exposure, a high open rate for its email newsletter and increased social media follower counts. Participation at GBCA events increased dramatically, as did sponsorship in events and activities.
For setting a clear goal and implementing tactics that delivered just the results GBCA was looking for, congratulations to the team of Lauren Tosti and Byron Lee.
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